Make the Right Impression With KBS Landscaping
Your Property’s Appearance Says a Lot About Your Business
KBS delivers comprehensive commercial landscaping solutions.

At the Scale You Need
A National Network at Your Service
Dozens of locations? Hundreds? Thousands? KBS can be your single-source supplier, a cost efficient way to keep multiple properties uniformly professional and always beautiful.

Technology Driven
Our KBSForce™ Platform
Our proprietary KBSForce™ tool ensures transparency by tracking KPIs, audits, and providing real-time updates, enhancing service quality and communication.

A Complete Solution
Seeding to Weeding, Growing to Mowing
KBS delivers complete landscaping services, including turf care, tree services, irrigation maintenance, and plant bed design, all with a focus on balancing cost, aesthetics, and sustainability.
KBS Excellence Is Always On Call
Client Retention Rate
Recurring Exterior Sites Serviced
24 / 7
Customer Service Support
Discover the Full Range of KBS Exterior Services
Commercial Snow Removal
When winter comes, KBS is ready with a multi-site, multi-state response for even the heaviest snowfalls. With a national network of trusted on-time providers, we can move fast to plow roads, clear sidewalks, haul away snow, and proactively manage ice to keep your business running and your people safe.
Parking Lot Maintenance
KBS can integrate parking lot maintenance services with your other exterior requirements. Along with repairing damaged pavement and sealing coating surfaces, KBS will keep your parking lot ADA compliant and your line striping sharp.
Exterior Porter Services
KBS exterior porter services ensure your property is looking good and consistently inspected for liability issues. Whether it’s replacing an exterior bulb, picking up trash and debris, or pressure washing sidewalks and entrances, KBS services ensure your outdoor spaces look as good as your lobby.
Nationally Strong. Locally Great.
As the largest privately held facilities company, KBS is the right choice for more than 100K+ client locations across North America. Whether for professional landscaping or our complete line of commercial exterior and interior facility maintenance services, KBS will keep your properties clean and looking great all year round.